Ferrocement scores over R.C.C, Ferrocement Structurals Score Over Steel Structurals, Mumbai, India
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Ferrocement scores over R.C.C

 Bond force on small section reinforcement is very  high
 Resulting in delayed bond failure with delayed  failure  of  flexures, shear and torsion
 Delayed crack formation till reaching near to yield
 High permissible strength quite near to yield
 No collapse during earthquake duration of which  hardly  few seconds
 Only deformation that too may be at Richter scale 8  or  so.
 Ferrocement structures remained Untouched during  Earthquake at Richter scale 7.2 - 7.4
 High degree of durability
 High degree of ductility
 It requires less strength development to carry its  own  low weight
 R.C.C. requires more strength to carry its own  heavy  self-weight
 It is economical
 Ferrocement is a low self wt. construction,  reduction  being about 50% vis-à-vis RCC
 Therefore Ferrocement structures are  superior  to  R.C.C. structures.
 Ferrocement structures
 Highrise buildings
 Inbuilt Ferrocement Structural Formwork
 Ferrocement scores over R.C.C.
 Ferrocement structurals score over Steel  Structurals
 Ferrocement plated RCC structures
 Horizontal And Vertical Extension Of RCC  Buildings
 Water StorageTanks Underground  Overhead  Tower
 Repairs, Rehabilitation Retrofitting
 Mini structures
 Corrosion resistance
 Earthquake resistance
 Disaster resistance
 Ferrocement - The best fire resistant
 material of construction
 Rainwater harvesting
 Elevation Pergola Cladding
 Vehicular bridges
 Foot bridges
 Irrigation Structures
 Swimming pools
 Ships, boats, barges, docks
 Ferrocement Furniture

Ferrocement Structurals score over Steel Structurals

 There is no corrosion phenomena. Our Nation  spends Rs.240,000 crores every year on corrosion
 Reinforcement of Ferrocement Structure is variable  as per stress Development along length of  structural member. Hence reduction of steel  material. Steel structural has constant material  content  along its length
 Easy to manufacture
 Economical in the long run
 Plates of plate girder and stiffeners incorporated  during manufacture
 Reduction of mining of iron ore from mother earth
 Reduction of carbon dioxide generation at 1.5 ton  per ton of steel production
 Energy saving
 It is economical
 Therefore Ferrocement structures are  superior to  steel structures
Ferrocement structures | Highrise buildings | Inbuilt Ferrocement Structural Formwork | Ferrocement scores over R.C.C. | Ferrocement structurals score over Steel Structurals | Ferrocement plated RCC structures | Horizontal And Vertical Extension Of RCC  Buildings | Water Storage Tanks, Underground, Overhead, Tower | Repairs, Rehabilitation Retrofitting | Waterproofing | Mini structures | Corrosion resistance | Earthquake resistance | Disaster resistance | Roofing | Rainwater Harvesting | Elevation Pergola Cladding | Vehicular bridges | Foot bridges | Irrigation Structures | Swimming pools | Ships, boats, barges, docks
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