Ferrocement Elevations, Ferrocement Pergola, Mumbai, India
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 Ferrocement structures
 Highrise buildings
 Inbuilt Ferrocement Structural Formwork
 Ferrocement scores over R.C.C.
 Ferrocement structurals score over Steel  Structurals
 Ferrocement plated RCC structures
 Horizontal And Vertical Extension Of RCC  Buildings
 Water StorageTanks Underground  Overhead  Tower
 Repairs, Rehabilitation Retrofitting
 Mini structures
 Corrosion resistance
 Earthquake resistance
 Disaster resistance
 Ferrocement - The best fire resistant
 material of construction
 Rainwater harvesting
 Elevation Pergola Cladding
 Vehicular bridges
 Foot bridges
 Irrigation Structures
 Swimming pools
 Ships, boats, barges, docks
 Ferrocement Furniture

Ferrocement Elevations

 Ferrocement fins elevation treatment to a residential  building 20 floors. Size 3.0x0.125x0.4 Mt.h. wire  mesh  is avoided for workability. Light structural  steel welded  panels.
 These are elevation treatment fins to office  building. the fins are 40mm thick and 3.75Mtr. long  attached to the building, using ferrocement cleats  and stainless steel bolts.
Horizontal elevation back view.
 Thin Horizontal elevation for multistory building.
 Horizontal elevation enlarge
 Ferrocement fins elevation treatment to residential  building 8 floors. Size 2.4x20x0.65M.th. Wiremesh  is  avoided for workability. Corrosion resistant  welded  steel framework and fiber reinforced  cement matrix  with 12 mm size aggregate is used.

 This is an elevation of horizontal pyramid consisting of ferrocement panels hallow behind. The pyramid is  attached to the side of the water tank.

 - Ferrocement Pergola resting on curved RCC beam and straight beam on 2 sides.
 - The pergola is consisting of hollow Ferrocement section manufactured on machinery set up under     controlled conditions.
 - The quality of the work is assured in view of machinery manufactured.
 - The accuracy has to be correct to 1 or 2 mms in view of the fact that there is no plaster in the pergola     system
 - The pergola is very much durable since Ferrocement is highly strong, water proof and manufactured    with stringent material as well as labour specifications.
Ferrocement structures | Highrise buildings | Inbuilt Ferrocement Structural Formwork | Ferrocement scores over R.C.C. | Ferrocement structurals score over Steel Structurals | Ferrocement plated RCC structures | Horizontal And Vertical Extension Of RCC  Buildings | Water Storage Tanks, Underground, Overhead, Tower | Repairs, Rehabilitation Retrofitting | Waterproofing | Mini structures | Corrosion resistance | Earthquake resistance | Disaster resistance | Roofing | Rainwater Harvesting | Elevation Pergola Cladding | Vehicular bridges | Foot bridges | Irrigation Structures | Swimming pools | Ships, boats, barges, docks
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